Ursus Breweries President
In the last few years, we have crossed unusual times during which we have faced multiple challenges that we have managed to overcome by being flexible and by quickly adapting to changes. To achieve results with significant impact, it is essential that people are united around a common goal that they strive to accomplish. Together we are stronger, that's why we want to create meaningful connections with our people, partners and customers and contribute to the development of a favorable context for the sustainable development of the planet, people and communities.
Thanks to our team, Ursus Breweries is the leader of the beer market in Romania, and it puts on us responsibility to be leading example of strengthening our sustainable business model, both out of concern for future generations and for everyone who is part of our community today.
Our actions cover several areas: reducing the consumption of resources, such as water or energy, reducing our carbon footprint, using raw materials from sustainable sources, promoting responsible choices and a diverse and inclusive social environment.
Through the partnerships we’ve built we have managed to contribute to the well-being of the entire community by using the voice of our brands to carry out responsibility and involvement messages to as many Romanians as possible. Thus, Ursus brand redirected to Conservation Carpathia Foundation 1% from the sales of URSUS Premium limited edition. Through this partnership, we contributed to restoring the bears' natural habitat, but also to protecting people from bears that would leave their habitat in search of food.
Ciucaș brand also encouraged its consumers to behave more responsibly towards the environment. As a result of reconstructing some relaxation areas - Ciucaș Meadows - people can spend their time outside in a responsible manner. They have the necessary infrastructure and setup to enjoy nature, but keep it clean. Moreover, Ciucaș carries out a series of cleaning actions of several green spaces together with community volunteers and Ursus Breweries employees.
During UNTOLD, Neversea and Oktoberfest festivals, our Peroni Nastro Azzuro, Ciucaș, Ursus and Kozel brands promoted responsible behavior in terms of selective collection of waste, but also in terms of alcohol consumption. We always promoted the responsible consumption of alcohol, and what's more, we've expanded the number of non-alcoholic drinks in our portfolio to give our consumers as many options as possible.
Equally important is the welfare of our employees, which is why we invested in development programs tailored to their needs and interests, especially in well-being initiatives.
Moreover, one of our goals is to create an inclusive culture and promote gender diversity. Thus, we are the first brewer in Romania to sign the commitments of LEAD Network (Leading Executives Advancing Diversity), whose mission is to facilitate the attraction, retention and promotion of women in the retail and consumer goods industry.
We also signed the Romanian Diversity Charter, a collaborative platform for action, debate and exchange of best practices around diversity management. And last but not least, Ursus Breweries is the first beer producer in Romania certified as Top Employer by the Top Employers Institute.
We are proud of our achievements so far, we will continue to act responsibly and pursue our vision of being the most admired company, building a better Romania!

Corporate Affairs
Our sustainable development journey is a long-term commitment. Every step we take is guided by Ursus Breweries' purpose to create meaningful connections with all partners in the public or private sector, with the communities in which we operate and with our colleagues.
The main focus areas that we analyse and optimize year by year are: neutrality of the carbon footprint, reduction of water consumption, acquisitions from sustainable sources, inclusive work environment, circularity of packaging and promotion of responsible alcohol drinking. We have made significant progress in each of these areas and aim to achieve specific targets by 2030 and 2050.
Among our achievements in the last two years, with a positive impact on the environment, are the reduction of materials used in the packaging, such as plastic and glass, the reduction of the amount of water per hectolitre of beer produced and the purchase of green energy. At the same time, we are happy to have contributed to the first important step towards a circular economy in Romania by supporting the implementation of the Deposit Return System.
Another significant and beneficial achievement for the whole society is carrying out the study "Social attitudes to road traffic risks 2022", in partnership with the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, through the Traffic Police Directorate and Research and Crime Prevention Institute. With this study we contributed to a better understanding of the evolution and status of road discipline at the national level. Also, together with the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Children, we continued organizing workshops for parents and teachers, to help them prevent underage alcohol drinking.
In terms of gender diversity, we are proud of the fact that we are close to achieving an equal share of women and men at management level. Having women representativity in the company is part of our diversity, equity and inclusion strategy, thus we implement various dedicated initiatives such as mentoring or leadership programs.
Last but not least, in line with changing consumer preferences and our long-term goals to increase the share of non-alcoholic beverages in our portfolio, we have launched new beers or non-alcoholic beer mixes with juice, offering options for various consumption occasions.
We invite you to discover our progress in the last two years by going through this report, which is made with reference to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Thank you for your support and I invite you to give us your suggestions on the report so that we can ensure that together we succeed in this beautiful journey towards the most important destination – the sustainable future we all want for ourselves and the following generations.

Ursus Breweries S.A. is a closed joint-stock company and the largest beer producer in Romania. Our head office is located in Bucharest, Romania, 43 Soseaua Pipera, Floreasca Park, building A, 2nd floor, district 2.
The shareholders’ contributions to the company capital are as follows: 98,68% of the share capital held by Asahi Europe and International Ltd., a British limited liability private company, registered with the Trade Register Office in England and Wales under no. 10609034/08.02.2017 and 1,32% of the share capital held by other shareholders (Romanian individuals and legal entities in Romania).
Our products are available throughout Romania and outside the country we only export directly the Timișoreana brand. Our consumers are people above the minimum drinking age. In addition, we do business with the following types of customers: dealers, traditional trade, retail chains, companies across the hotels and restaurants chain and others.
We operate in our headquarters in Bucharest, our administrative centre in Cluj-Napoca, 3 large breweries located in Buzău, Brașov and Timișoara, a mini production unit in Cluj-Napoca and in 8 warehouses (inside the breweries or separate). The sustainability reporting refers to the activities of the entity Ursus Breweries S.A.

The General Assembly of the Shareholders (GAS) is the supreme governing body of the Company. It is convened by the Board of Directors, comprising maximum 5 members, all appointed administrators elected by ordinary GAS. One of these members is appointed by GAS as President of the Board of Directors and General Manager.
Each member of the Board of Directors is responsible for carrying out the long-term vision and medium-term management policy in full accordance with Asahi Group’s Policies. Moreover, at local level (our operations across Romania) the President of the Board of Directors is the head of the Executive Committee that ensures the business management locally. In 2021, the Executive Committee was comprised of a President and 7 Vice-Presidents of the company coordinating the main strategic departments: Finance, Sales, Marketing, Corporate Affairs, Supply Chain, Technical, Human Resources. In 2022, Strategy & Insights Vice President also joined them.
At the local level (operations across Romania), the percentage of senior management, i.e. members of the Executive Board, that were locally hired (Romanians) was 50% in 2021, namely 44,4% in 2022.
All members’ work location was in Romania. During the reporting period, 100% of our brewery General Managers were Romanians.

Two management systems and two additional committees have been in charge with or played a key role in the decision-making processes related to environmental, social and economic matters:
- Ethics Committee, which aims at keeping employees informed about the Corporate Ethics Regulation and the Corporate Ethics Guidelines
- Internal Audit, that has in place a fully-fledged internal control system that works to enhance corporate governance and to maintain a harmonious development together with our stakeholders
- Employee Union
- Pandemic Crisis Committee, that was fully functional throughout the entire state of emergency and ceased its operation once the Covid-related restrictions were lifted
We are affiliated with, work closely with or follow and respect the values and principles of the following entities:
- Brewers of Romania Association
- Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham)
- British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC)
- Romanian–German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK)
- Foreign Investors Council (FIC)
- Romanian Association of Packaging and Environment (ARAM)
- Employers Organization of Romanian Hotels and Restaurants (HORA)
- Romanian Advertising Council (RAC)
- International Advertising Association Romania (IAA)
- Employers' Confederation Concordia (through Brewers of Romania Employers’ Association)
- Coalition for the Development of Romania
- Brewers of Romania Association for Environment
- Romanian Beverage Producers Alliance (through Brewers of Romania Association)
- The Romanian Food Industry Employers' Federation - Romalimenta
- The Diversity Charter
- LEAD Network (Leading Executives Advancing Diversity)
- International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD)

at the time of the report launch (2023)

Michal Mrowiec,
Ursus Breweries President

Gabriela Crețu,
Sales Vice President

Robert Uzună,
Corporate Affairs Vice President

Alina Bulgariu,
Finance Vice President

Iulia Andreșoiu
Marketing Vice President

Roberto Follachio,
Human Resources Vice President

Duncan Crow
Integrated Supply Chain Vice President

Richard Heerink,
Strategy & Insights Vice President
in the reporting period 2021-2022
Ursus Breweries President
Paul Barnett, June ’21 – December ‘22
Dragoș Contantinescu, February ’19 – May ‘21
Finance Vice President
Alina Bulgariu, October ’21 - present
Lorant Kovacs, July ‘20 – August ’21
Technical Vice President
Duncan Crow, November ’21 - present
Guy Van Geel, February ’19 – July ‘21
Sales Vice President
Gabriela Crețu, April ’21 – present
Tiarnan Ó hAimhirgín, June ’16 – April ‘21
Supply Chain Vice President
Glenn Burgess, entire reporting period
Marketing Vice President
Iulia Andreșoiu, April ’21 - present
Marek Dvorak, February ’19 – March ’21
Corporate Affairs Vice President
Robert Uzună, entire reporting period
Human Resources Vice President
Zuzana Balejova, entire reporting period

We have zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption.
Our transparency framework and substantial information on our anti-corruption policies, including our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, as well as the Anti-Bribery Policy and the Gifts and Entertainment Policy that supplement it, are available to all our staff via an internal platform.
Our whistle-blowing policy is constantly communicated within the organization, giving all employees the opportunity to make confidential disclosures on suspected impropriety or wrongdoing. The contact information our employees can use is displayed in all our locations.
Our business relationships are governed by two supplier policies, both public and mandatory for any of our suppliers: Anti-bribery policy for suppliers & Supplier Code of Conduct
Handling of incoming goods, production, the inter-depot movement, warehouse operations, supply and consumers are the six pillars of our value chain which maintained its structure presented in our previous reports.

OUR BRANDS 2021-2022


Our risk management system is placed at the core of our management policies, and is based on fundamentals that enable us to improve both strategic planning and decision-making process. We are certified against the requirements of the following management system standards: ISO14001, OHSAS18001, ISO9001, ISO22000, and ISO50001.
In order to identify and evaluate key risks and plan early responses, each department conducts risk assessments that are further discussed in committees and board meetings.

We are involved in a number of initiatives and members of various associations (see page 8) through which we actively interact with stakeholders.
We are committed to working and communicating effectively with them to ensure that their views and concerns are expressed and their needs are taken into account in our decisions and actions.
Through these interactions we seek to understand stakeholder perspectives and build relationships based on transparency, trust and mutual respect.
We conduct annual employee satisfaction surveys and measure our progress in priority areas such as sustainability, diversity and inclusion, health and well-being, operational efficiency, ethics and integrity. We also organise thematic focus groups and discussions with union representatives to collect the views of our colleagues and to support them.
More details on these studies in People chapter.
In terms of consumer consultation, we conduct ongoing market research and marketing analysis of two types: continuous analysis, which aims to understand the performance of our beer brands, both in terms of consumption and notoriety among consumers and their perception of our products) and ad-hoc analyses that have specific objectives (e.g. communication testing, product evaluation, packaging choice). These analyses help us to have a good understanding of consumers, consumer trends and perceptions of our brands.
When it comes to consumer attachment, our Romanian brands - Ursus, Timișoreana and Ciucaș - rank in the top 5 favorite Romanian beer brands.

We also carry out specific studies to monitor consumer perceptions of sustainability issues and initiatives in order to make better and more effective decisions with a relevant impact on society.

Legislation, especially in terms of sustainable development in general, and environmental protection, packaging and waste in particular was an important topic in our business meetings, where our presence indicated both high interest and appropriate support.
As a beer producer, we know that the people using our products need to be aware of their quality, what ingredients we use, as well as the limitations of alcohol consumption.
Therefore, we continued to cooperate with social actors such as NGOs, consumer protection entities and marketing supervision bodies.
In 2021, to identify stakeholder interests and concerns about the company's business, we conducted a thorough review of industry practices and reporting legislation and methodologies. This analysis was complemented by dialogues with various stakeholders, both internal and external.
The list of groups we consulted, relevant aspects and stakeholders' interest, as well as the materiality matrix and details of the methodology used to create it are available in our previous report on pages 22-23. The current report, covering the 2021-2022 reporting period, addresses the same themes identified in the 2021 materiality analysis as there have been no substantial changes in the company's activities or business relationships.


To ensure the sustainable development of our business, we have a sustainability strategy that focuses on four pillars: environment, people, portfolio and profit. The 2030 Legacy strategy guides our actions and investments so that we can responsibly respond to social, economic and environmental challenges.
For us, sustainability is also an opportunity for growth and innovation.
We analyse our long-term impact and strive for continuous improvement in everything we do - from the way raw materials for our products are sourced, to our production processes and responsibility towards consumers.
Our ambitions respond to the demands of society and lead us to find solutions that use fewer or renewable resources, make our products as environmentally neutral as possible and meet the needs of our customers in a responsible way.
More details on each pillar and key areas of the Ursus Breweries sustainability strategy can be found in the Legacy 2030 brochure.