HR Graduate Trainee
Manufacturing Graduate Trainee
HR Graduate Trainee
Supply Chain Graduate Trainee
Ursus Breweries, compania de bere numărul 1 din Romania, a pornit în căutarea liderului de mâine!
In cadrul Brew Your Future – Graduate Trainee Programe, cautam colegi care sa ni se alature in departamentul Supply Chain din Bucuresti
Iți oferim:
- Oportunitatea să lucrezi cu cele mai mari branduri de bere din România și să te dezvolți într-un mediu creativ, autentic, într-o echipă în care pot lega prietenii;
- Șansă că timp de un an să inveṭi și să fii expus în toate departamentele din cadrul companiei, atât local, cât și regional;
- Oportunitatea că la finalul călătoriei să primeasti un rol de Junior Manager sau Junior Specialist într-unul din departamentele în care ai lucrat.
Daca ești student în ultimul an, proaspăt absolvent sau masterand și ai o experiență intre 0 și 2 ani acumulata în mediul de business.
Și daca știi despre tine că:
• Pui energie și pasiune în ceea ce faci;
• Ești curios și dornic să înveți și să te dezvolți rapid;
• Relaționezi și comunici foarte bine;
• Vorbești fluent limba engleza și ai cunoștinte avansate de PC;
• În trecut ai primit burse, ai făcut voluntariat sau alte internship-uri;
Atunci Brew Your Future este programul pentru tine!
Manufacturing Graduate Trainee
Ursus Breweries, the number 1 beer company in Romania, has started its pursuit of tomorrow’s leaders!
Within the Brew Your Future – Graduate Trainee Programme, we are looking for colleagues to join our Technical Department in our Brașov, Buzău or Timișoara factories. We offer you:
- The opportunity to work with the largest beer brands in Romania and evolve in a creative, authentic medium, within a team where you can forge friendships
- The chance of learning and practicing within all of the departments in the company within one year, both locally and regionally;
- The opportunity to be rewarded with a Junior Manager or Junior Specialist role within the departments that you’ve worked in.
If you’re a student in the last year, fresh graduate or master and you hold an experience between 0 and2 years acummulated in the business field.
And you:
- Put energy and passion in what you do
- You’re curious and willing to learn and develop fast
- You’re good and communicating and relating to people
- You’re fleunt in English and have advanced PC knowledge
- In the past you’ve received scholarships, done volunteering work or other internships
Then Brew Your Future is the programme for you!
Commercial Graduate Trainee
Ursus Breweries, the number 1 beer company in Romania, has started its pursuit of tomorrow’s leaders!
Within the Brew Your Future – Graduate Trainee Programme, we are looking for colleagues to join our Commercial Departament in Bucharest in multuple Sales and Marketing roles. We offer you:
- The opportunity to work with the largest beer brands in Romania and evolve in a creative, authentic medium, within a team where you can forge friendships
- The chance of learning and practicing within all of the departments in the company within one year, both locally and regionally;
- The opportunity to be rewarded with a Junior Manager or Junior Specialist role within the departments that you’ve worked in.
If you’re a student in the last year, fresh graduate or master and you hold an experience between 0 and2 years acummulated in the business field.
And you:
- Put energy and passion in what you do
- You’re curious and willing to learn and develop fast
- You’re good and communicating and relating to people
- You’re fleunt in English and have advanced PC knowledge
- In the past you’ve received scholarships, done volunteering work or other internships
Then Brew Your Future is the programme for you!
Finance Graduate Trainee
Ursus Breweries, the number 1 beer company in Romania, has started its pursuit of tomorrow’s leaders!
Within the Brew Your Future – Graduate Trainee Programme, we are looking for colleagues to join our Financial Departament in Bucharest. We offer you:
- The opportunity to work with the largest beer brands in Romania and evolve in a creative, authentic medium, within a team where you can forge friendships
- The chance of learning and practicing within all of the departments in the company within one year, both locally and regionally;
- The opportunity to be rewarded with a Junior Manager or Junior Specialist role within the departments that you’ve worked in.
If you’re a student in the last year, fresh graduate or master and you hold an experience between 0 and2 years acummulated in the business field.
And you:
- Put energy and passion in what you do
- You’re curious and willing to learn and develop fast
- You’re good and communicating and relating to people
- You’re fleunt in English and have advanced PC knowledge
- In the past you’ve received scholarships, done volunteering work or other internships
Then Brew Your Future is the programme for you!